Established on November 24, 2011, in Zadar, it initially began as an association for potential development and evolved into a psychotherapeutic practice in 2019.
The team of experts at Humani Studio employs an advanced approach to treating psychological trauma, integrating contemporary psychotherapy with the latest neuroscientific principles.
Irena Jurjević holds a master’s degree in psychotherapy from Malta Institute of Gestalt psychotherapy, and master’s degree in pedagogy and sociology from University of Zadar. In addition to the gestalt approach, she specialises in working on trauma through the EMDR psychotherapeutic approach, and in her work she uses the knowledge gained through related therapeutic programs in the field of body work, dream analysis and others. Besides significant psychotherapy experience, she has 17-year experience in public communications.
In 2011, she founded the Humani Studio, an association for the development of human potentials, where she is present as a chairwoman to date, and works as a psychotherapist and leader of personal growth and development workshops.
Since 2019, she has been leading an independent psychotherapy practice of the same name.
In addition to continuing psychotherapeutic training, she has perfected advanced communication and intuitive techniques at the Perfect School, Dream Body Analysis and Movement through a one-year Dream Movement (Pilgrim d.o.o.), and additional anti-stress programs.
In 2022, she enrolled and completed Expressive Arts Therapy, EMDR, and Sensory Integration: Resourcing Orienting, and Grounding, a trauma work program under the guidance of Cathy Malchiodi.
In the same year, she specialized in work on traumatic dissociation under the guidance of Roger Solomon, through the "Introduction to Treatment of Trauma Related Dissociation with EMDR Therapy" seminar.
Also in the year 2022., she attended a one-year TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) training under the guidance of Ricardo Cassiani.
In 2023, she was admitted to postgraduate studies at King's College London, where she is pursuing a MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health.
She regularly attends and applies the latest knowledge of psychotherapy acquired at regional and European congresses, and publishes her expert articles on conscious approach to eating in the media in Croatia and beyond.
Her work "Eating as Emotional Language" is part of the first edition of the New Gestalt Voices journal of Gestalt psychotherapy, in which the author presents her findings on the emotional background of eating disorders based on her professional work and scientific studies.
She is a member of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), a member of Croatian Chamber of Psychotherapists (licensed for working with adults), a member of the Association for Gestalt and Integrative Psychotherapists of Croatia (DGIPH), and a member of the national association EMDR Hrvatska.
Ana Šalov, bacc. med. techn., geštalt psihoterapeutkinja, je glavna sestra u Službi za ginekologiju i opstetriciju u Općoj bolnici Zadar, predavačica na Tečaju pripreme za porođaj OB Zadar i mentorica na Sveučilištu u Zadru – Odjel za zdravstvene studije.
Diplomirala je 2005. godine na Medicinskom fakultetu u Rijeci – Stručni studij sestrinstvo. 2007. godine po programu Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute Malta upisuje edukaciju za Gestalt psihoterapeuta te ju završava 2012. godine.
Kontinuirano pohađa stručne seminare i superviziju iz područja psihoterapije.
Članica je Hrvatske komore psihoterapeuta s dopusnicom za rad s odraslima, Društva geštalt i integrativnih psihoterapeuta Hrvatske (DGIPH), Saveza psihoterapijskih udruga Hrvatske (SPUH) te posjeduje certifikat EAGT – a (European Association for Gestalt Therapy).